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Fig. 6 | Journal of Translational Medicine

Fig. 6

From: Wnt, glucocorticoid and cellular prion protein cooperate to drive a mesenchymal phenotype with poor prognosis in colon cancer

Fig. 6

The Prnp gene is a target of Wnt-β-catenin signaling in mouse models of liver cancer. A Analysis of our GSE35213 ChIPseq dataset reveals enrichment of the Tcf7l2-encoded TCF4 transcription factor at the promoter of the Prnp gene in Apc-inactivated (Apc∆hep), but not control or Ctnnb1-deficient hepatocytes. B Analysis of our GSE242267 ATACseq dataset and our GSE210482 RNAseq showing the promoter accessibility (left) and RNA transcription (right) of the Prnp gene along the kinetics (days 6, 15 and 21) of Apc inactivation in hepatocytes as compared to GFP− control. C Boxplots showing the mRNA levels of Prnp in Apc∆hep tumor versus Apc∆hep normal tissue, as measured through qRT-PCR. D Boxplots showing the mRNA levels of Prnp in undifferentiated versus differentiated liver tumors from Apc∆hep mice, as measured through qRT-PCR. E, F Analysis of our PRJEB44400 dataset reveals increased Prnp (E) and Nr3c1 (F) expression in differentiated and mostly undifferentiated liver tumors from mutant Ctnnb1 and Apc mice. G–M Scatter plots showing the correlation between Prnp and App (G), Dkk3 (H), Pdgfc (I), Tgfb1 (J), Axin2 (K), Ccnd1 (L) and Nr3c1 (M) mRNA levels in the PRJEB44400 dataset

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