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Fig. 2 | Journal of Translational Medicine

Fig. 2

From: Architecting the metabolic reprogramming survival risk framework in LUAD through single-cell landscape analysis: three-stage ensemble learning with genetic algorithm optimization

Fig. 2

Heterogeneity among LUAD driven malignant metastasis mediated by cell metabolism reprogramming. (A) Differences in hallmark gene set pathway activities scored by per cell by GSVA between normal and malignant cells. (B) Metabolic pathway activities in malignant cells from tissue of each origin. Statistically non-significant values (random permutation rest P > 0.05) are shown as blank. (C) Percentage difference (Delta means percent of cells) and log-fold change based on the Wilcoxon rank-sum test results for differential expressed genes between malignant and normal cells. (D) UpSet plot showing the intersection analysis of the 1290 MMR genes. (E) DO enrichment analysis of 1290 MMR genes. (F, G) Violin plot (F), and Bubble plot (G) showing enrichment scores of MMR gene sets for each cell type using AUCell, UCell, singscore, ssGSEA, AddModulescore, and Scoring (the sum of scores from other algorithms) score. (H) Violin plot showing the dynamic change of enrichment scores of MMR gene sets for tissues of each origin using AUCell, UCell, singscore, ssGSEA, AddModulescore, and Scoring score

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