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Fig. 5 | Journal of Translational Medicine

Fig. 5

From: Amino acid profile alteration in age-related atrial fibrillation

Fig. 5

Gut microbiota diversity and relative abundance among four mice groups. A Gut microbiota alpha diversity was different among groups based on the Shannon index (P = 8.00E-05). B Gut microbiota beta diversity was different among groups based on Weighted Unifrac distance (P = 3.30E-08). C Pareto chart illustrating the relative abundance of the top 10 gut microbiota at the phylum level among four groups. Bars are arranged in ascending order of frequency. The Pareto line indicates cumulative percentage, highlighting that the top 3 gut microbiota contribute to 96.17% of the total abundance. Group A: adult control, Group B: adult AF, Group C: aged control, and Group aged AF, n = 10 in each group

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