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Fig. 7 | Journal of Translational Medicine

Fig. 7

From: Cytosolic Cadherin 4 promotes angiogenesis and metastasis in papillary thyroid cancer by suppressing the ubiquitination/degradation of β-catenin

Fig. 7

Tegavivint reverses the oncogenic role of CDH4 on PTC. A Representative image and quantification of the Transwell migration and invasion of TPC-1 cells, as indicated. B Representative images and quantification of the tube formation of HUVECs cocultured with conditional medium (CoM) derived from treated TPC-1 cells. CE Representative images of the enucleated tumors (C) and presentation of the tumor volume (E) and final tumor weight (D) for each treated mice group (n = 5 per group). F Representative images (left) and histogram analysis (right) of the expression of c-Myc, MMP7, and CD31 in enucleated tumors. G HE staining images of lung sections with metastatic sites were obtained, and the quantification of lung metastatic nodules was performed for each experimental group. *P < 0.05; **P < 0.01; ***P < 0.01

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