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Table 1 Various clinical problems based on data mining

From: Clinical data mining: challenges, opportunities, and recommendations for translational applications


Clinical data mining questions



Disease prevention

What are the risk factors associated with the development of the disease?

Heart disease risk factors detection from electronic health records using advanced NLP and deep learning techniques



Are there high-risk individuals who may benefit from preventive interventions or early screening?

A Cardiac Deep Learning Model (CDLM) to Predict and Identify the Risk Factor of Congenital Heart Disease



How do lifestyle and environmental factors influence the likelihood of developing the disease?

The Contribution of Genetic Risk and Lifestyle Factors in the Development of Adult-Onset Inflammatory Bowel Disease: A Prospective Cohort Study


Disease diagnosis

What are the diagnostic markers or features that are most relevant for accurate disease identification?

Neutrophil-, Monocyte- and Platelet-to-Lymphocyte Ratios, and Absolute Lymphocyte Count for Diagnosis of Malignant Soft-tissue Tumors



How can data-driven approaches be utilized to improve the accuracy of diagnostic tests or imaging techniques?

A semi-supervised multi-task learning framework for cancer classification with weak annotation in whole-slide images



Does data mining have the ability to differentiate between different subtypes or stages of the disease?

Machine learning models based on immunological genes to predict the response to neoadjuvant therapy in breast cancer patients


Disease treatment

Which treatments or therapies are most effective for specific patient subgroups or disease stages?

Darolutamide Plus Androgen-deprivation Therapy and Docetaxel in Metastatic Hormone-Sensitive Prostate Cancer by Disease Volume and Risk Subgroups in the Phase III ARASENS Trial



Can data mining be used to optimize treatment plans and personalize medicine based on individual patient characteristics?

Clinical Outcomes With and Without Plasma Exchange in the Treatment of Rapidly Progressive Interstitial Lung Disease Associated With Idiopathic Inflammatory Myopathy



How do we predict treatment response and potential adverse reactions to specific medications?

Prognostic and predictive biomarkers for immunotherapy in advanced renal cell carcinoma


Disease prognosis

What are the key prognostic factors influencing disease outcomes and patient survival rates?

Construction and Validation of a UPR-Associated Gene Prognostic Model for Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma



Can data mining assist in predicting disease progression and potential complications?

An inflammatory-related genes signature based model for prognosis prediction in breast cancer



How can predictive analytics help to identify patients who are more likely to experience a recurrence or relapse of their disease?

Prognostic risk factor of major salivary gland carcinomas and survival prediction model based on random survival forests


Population health

How does data mining contribute to public health initiatives and disease surveillance efforts?

Perceived Impact of Digital Health Maturity on Patient Experience, Population Health, Health Care Costs, and Provider Experience: Mixed Methods Case Study



What patterns and trends emerge when looking at the occurrence and spread of disease across different populations or geographic regions?

Analytical exploratory tool for healthcare professionals to monitor cancer patients' progress