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Table 1 General characteristics of the cohort, n = 91

From: Fatigue and symptom-based clusters in post COVID-19 patients: a multicentre, prospective, observational cohort study


Mean ± SD, median (25th–75th percentiles) or n (%)

Age, in years

53.9 ± 6.1

Sex, male

46 (50.6)



67/87 (77.0)


8/87 (9.2)


3/87 (3.5)


3/87 (3.5)


6/87 (6.9)

BMI, in kg/m2

30.5 ± 5.4

Smoking status


4 (4.4)


48 (52.8)


39 (42.9)

Level of educationa


33/79 (41.8)


27/79 (34.2)


9/79 (11.4)

At least one comorbidityb

57 (63.3)


 Heart failure

6 (6.6)

 Renal failure

5 (5.5)


13 (14.3)


6 (6.6)


15 (16.5)

Cardiovascular disease



81 (89.0)

Hospitalization duration, in days

8.0 (4.0, 15.0)

Admitted to ICU

25 (27.5)

Time since infectionc, in days

167.6 ± 35.9

Acute COVID-19 severityd


10 (11.0)


59 (64.8)


22 (24.2)

  1. BMI Body Mass Index, COPD Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, ICU Intensive Care Unit
  2. a. Low = MBO or high school; medium = HBO; high = University bachelor or master
  3. b. Measured comorbidities are COPD, asthma, interstitial lung disease, thrombosis, heart failure, renal failure, hepatic disease, diabetes, cancer, rheumatic disease, CVD and neurologic disease
  4. c. Time between infection and study visit 1
  5. d. According to the WHO definition