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Table 5 Teen LYFT post-metabolic and bariatric surgery content summary by module and weeks

From: Adaptation of a standardized lifestyle intervention to maximize health outcomes in adolescent metabolic and bariatric surgery patients




Physical activity

Stress management

Healthy eating


Encourages self-confidence and a sense of achievement for completing surgery

Walking and stretching schedule for 2 weeks

New body and diet coping skills

Includes a list of clear and full liquids for the first two weeks after surgery


Tracking exercise and food daily and weight once a week

Ways to increase the time and intensity of exercise

Recommends planning fun and positive activities to boost mood and morale

A list of soft foods that can be eaten for the first two weeks after surgery


Tips to remove unhealthy food temptations from sight while increasing healthy options to avoid setbacks

A list of strength and cardiovascular exercises to follow safely

Introduces the mindful eating concept and provides tips to remove distractions such as TV, computer, and phone while eating

Reminder about the order that foods should be introduced: proteins, fruits and vegetables, and finally grains


Encourages celebration of achievements in dietary changes, increased activity, and mindfulness

Provides a sample of interval training exercises and encourages engagement in favorite sports

Promotes problem solving skills, understanding the problem, and finding solutions

Contains a list of healthy protein options to promote healing


Reminders to review goals before surgery and set new post-operative goals moving forward

Encouragement to stay consistent with exercise routines and increase amount and intensity safely

Provides some relaxation techniques to manage stress

Reminders to stay consistent with a healthy eating plan and avoid high-fat and processed foods


This is the 3-month mark. Encouragement to celebrate their success with their friends and family

Encouragement to be proud of their consistent engagement with physical activity to date

Teaches the importance of sleep and encourages planning ahead for meals when eating out

Review of the revision of starches and grains that can be consumed to ease digestion


Tips to manage slips and self-defeating thoughts

Includes another reminder to increase the intensity, duration, and perhaps type of exercises/activities

Includes tips to balance positive and negative thoughts to reduce stress levels

Contains more tips to consume easily digestible foods and avoid sugars and processed foods


Reviews activity tracking goals

Reiterates the importance of being consistent with an exercise plan and encourages weight training

Encourages body positivity

Tips to make healthier choices in restaurants and fast-food options


Teaches skills for establishing healthy habits and includes family support

Talks about the benefits of choosing a total body workout

Provides tips to cope with defeating thoughts and feelings

Emphasizes the importance of food pacing for overall success


Encouragement to revisit health and fitness goals

Includes tips to engage in mindful exercises such as yoga, meditation, tai chi, and breathing exercises

Encouragement to practice gratitude, be grateful for their life, experiences and acts of kindness from others

Encouragement to enjoy every food slowly and mindfully, removing all distractions


Provides ways to embrace progress and remember why they chose to complete surgery

Includes tips to stay active effortlessly, like walking to school instead of taking the bus, among others

Focuses on the importance of mindful eating to reduce stress and keep up with weight loss goals

Reminders that they are close to their 6-month clinic visit and revisits healthy eating tips


Reminders of their why (for personal health) and provides tips for their long-term success

Talks about endorphins (the good hormones) that exercise produces to promote happiness, encourages consistent movement

Emphasizes strengthening stress management skills as stress never goes away, but one can learn how to manage it

Praise all achievements to date in terms of eating healthier and sticking to a plan