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Table 2 DPP/GLB content by the socioecological model (SEM) and social cognitive theory (SCT) constructs, examples of adaptation for the TeenLYFT metabolic and bariatric surgery support intervention for adolescents

From: Adaptation of a standardized lifestyle intervention to maximize health outcomes in adolescent metabolic and bariatric surgery patients

SEM constructs

Intrapersonal level

Interpersonal level

Group/Community level

Macro level

SCT constructs

Personal factors

Environmental influences

Behavior (Change)

Observational learning

Intro to safe exercising; learning to read food labels; new nutrition intake

Share relatable stories & information about lifestyle change and challenges;

transformation weight loss stories

Community-based lifestyle programs; local events to prevent post-MBS weight regain; cooking classes: easy, affordable recipes

PCPs referrals to DPP; PCP involvement in pre-post MBS support


Goal setting for sustained weight loss; healthy eating; exercise; create a healthy relationship with food

Supervised physical activity sessions; rewards for successful completion, and for adding more fruits and vegetables; incentives group session participation

Community-based DPPs; physical activity incentives (reduced gym fees); grocery discounts

Calorie and macro/micronutrient content skills; app to support exercise skills


Self-monitoring of micro/macro nutrient content to prevent weight regain; regulating exercise habits

Active listening; life coach discussions; MBS team nutritionist; social support network; supporting exercise

Social/group DPP/GLB MBS support groups in community; weight wellness programs (WWP) and other networks

Food label mastery; restaurant menu calorie mastery; exercise mastery


Weekly goals

Family meal planning

Fitness classes

Restaurant menus


Evaluation of self-esteem/body image; motivation; weight & health goals; Health-related quality of life (HRQOL); Exercise goals

Communication; best practices; in diet, activity, sleep & tech (MyFitnessPal); benefits of support

Assessment of school, home, cyber, neighborhood resources for prolonged support

Crime/safety; food swamps; public transportation knowledge mastery

Skill building

Body acceptance; self-confidence, mindfulness; goal setting (to support weight loss retention);

Managing setbacks

Sleep hygiene tracking; food records; setting reminders; exercise tracking; social support strategies (group meetings)

Wellness resources at school & in the community; social support groups to overcome weight loss hurdles; use of social media support groups

Health/fitness trackers; walking maps; journaling; safety/healthy information use (e.g., Shopwell app)