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Table 1 Summary of diabetes prevention/program group lifestyle balance [18] sessions and content

From: Adaptation of a standardized lifestyle intervention to maximize health outcomes in adolescent metabolic and bariatric surgery patients

Session number


Core sessions

 Session 1

Welcome to the Diabetes Prevention Program Group Lifestyle Balance (DPP/GLB)

Gives an overview of the DPP/GLB program including setting a 7% weight loss goal

 Session 2

Be a calorie detective

This session teaches participants how to monitor their calories and their fat intake

 Session 3

Healthy eating

This session contains tips to include healthy foods in the daily routine, such as eating more fruits and vegetables, lean meats, and healthy fats while staying away from calorie-dense foods containing added sugars and unhealthy fats

 Session 4

Move those muscles

Content includes setting physical activity goals, providing exercises for different muscle groups, and reviewing exercise safety guidelines

 Session 5

Tip the calorie balance

This session is about balancing calories and how it is related to weight loss. It also provides tips on balancing a daily menu to keep caloric intake on track

 Session 6

Take charge of what’s around you

This session teaches participants how to develop positive activity and food cues. Those include recognizing hunger and fullness and having gym clothes and shoes nearby to engage in physical activity

 Session 7

Problem solving

This session provides five steps to problem solving, including weighing the pros and cons of a situation and choosing to stay on track with a weight loss plan

 Session 8

Step up your physical activity

This session focuses on staying active and safely increasing the intensity and time of an activity

 Session 9

Manage slips and self-defeating thoughts

This session emphasizes staying away from negative thoughts and replacing them with positive ones

 Session 10

Four keys to healthy eating out

This session provides tips on how to make healthier choices in restaurants

 Session 11

Make social cues work for you

This session includes how to turn social cues that might disrupt the weight loss journey into positive cues

 Session 12

Ways to stay motivated

This session discusses stress management and stresses the importance of staying motivated to reach the weight loss journey

Transition sessions

 Session 13

Strengthen your physical activity plan

This session includes the benefits of resistance training and stresses the importance of stretching after each exercise session. It also explains how to increase weight and repetitions as one becomes proficient with the present routine

 Session 14

Take charge of your lifestyle

Even though the DPP/GLB meetings are now once a month, this session is about helping the participants to consistently monitor their weight and to stay on track with their physical activity

 Session 15

Mindful eating, mindful movement

This session teaches the participants the techniques to eat and move mindfully

 Session 16

Manage your stress

This session gives the opportunity to participants to talk about their stress levels. It also provides them with strategies to manage their stress

Support sessions

 Session 17

Sit less for your health

This session reviews with the participants the time they spend sitting and provides them with suggestions on how to reduce their sitting time

 Session 18

More volume, fewer calories

This session discusses how to add volume to a meal without adding too many calories. It also provides some recipes that are easy to make yet add volume to the meal. As a result, one might feel full and eat less food

 Session 20

Balance your thoughts

This session is meant to help participants reflect on how changing their lifestyle helped them reach their weight loss goal. Furthermore, it encourages participants to eliminate negative thoughts and replace them with positive ones

 Session 21

Heart health

This session is all about heart disease, its causes, and prevention strategies. It also educates participants about blood cholesterol and how proper nutrition can support healthy levels

 Session 22

Look back and look forward

As this is the last session, participants are encouraged to continue with the healthy habits they have acquired throughout the past year. They are also advised to plan for eating and physical activity in the next 3–6 months