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Table 1 Characteristics of the study population in relation to FeNO categories

From: Association between lipid-A-producing oral bacteria of different potency and fractional exhaled nitric oxide in a Norwegian population-based adult cohort


FeNO group

Low FeNO

Intermediate FeNO

High FeNO

(< 25 ppba)

(25–49 ppb)

(≥ 50 ppb)

Individuals, n (%)


345 (72.9)

113 (23.9)

15 (3.2)

Sex, n (%)


186 (53.9)

30 (26.5)

4 (26.7)


159 (46.1)

83 (73.5)

11 (73.3)

Smoking habits, n (%)


238 (69.0)

82 (72.6)

12 (80.0)


51 (14.8)

24 (21.2)

1 (6.7)


56 (16.2)

7 (6.2)

2 (13.3)

Current asthma, n (%)


20 (5.8)

7 (6.2)

3 (20.0)

  1. appb parts per billion
  2. bParticipants with missing information on FeNO: female (n = 3) and male (n = 1)
  3. cNever and Current smoker were defined as having answered no and yes, respectively, to the question “Do you smoke?”. Previous smoker was defined as having answered yes to the question “Did you smoke previously?”