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Table 1 Main characteristics of the patients included

From: Therapeutic value of surgical paraaortic staging in locally advanced cervical cancer: a multicenter cohort analysis from the FRANCOGYN study group


N = 647

Age (years)

54.4 (44–64)


25.7 (21.1–29.4)

Hormonal statusa


355 (54.9)


282 (43.6)


2.7 (1–3)

Pathologic type

 Squamous cell

530 (81.9)


88 (13.6)


29 (4.5)

FIGO stagea


86 (13.3)


58 (9.0)


359 (55.5)


69 (10.7)


66 (10.2)

Pre-operative imaging


276 (42.7)


371 (57.3)

Tumor size on MRI

  < 40 mm

194 (30.0)

 40–60 mm

278 (43.0)

  > 60 mm

112 (17.3)


63 (9.7)

Concomitant chemoradiation (CRT)

647 (100)

Intracavitary brachytherapy

343 (53.0)

RCC Boost in paraaortic lymph nodes

153 (23.6)

Completion surgery after CRT

290 (44.8)

  1. Data are expressed either as mean (interquartile range) or as n (%)
  2. a Missing data for 10 patients (hormonal status) and 9 patients (stage)