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Table 3 Quality of life in OA patients (N = 51)

From: Randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study to evaluate the effect of treatment with an SPMs-enriched oil on chronic pain and inflammation, functionality, and quality of life in patients with symptomatic knee osteoarthritis: GAUDI study




SPMs (N = 23)

Placebo (N = 28)


 Mean change from baseline to week 12, % (SD)

51.8 (216.71)

48.6 (204.17) (1)

0.404 (2)

Mobility dimension

 Improvement, n (%)

10 (43.48)

7 (25.00)

0.164 (3)

Self-care dimension

 Improvement, n (%)

7 (30.43)

5 (17.86)

0.292 (3)

Usual activities dimension

 Improvement, n (%)

12 (52.17)

4 (14.29)

0.004 (3)

Pain/discomfort dimension


Improvement, n (%)

14 (60.87)

13 (46.43)

0.304 (3)

Anxiety/depression dimension

Improvement, n (%)

6 (26.09)

4 (14.29)

0.162 (4)

  1. Percentage change in each patient has been used to calculate the mean score change. (4) SPM: N = 23, Placebo: N = 27); (2) Mann–Whitney U test; (3) Chi-Square test; (4) Fisher’s test; (4) missing data: Placebo, N = 1
  2. EQ VAS: EuroQol Visual Analogue Scale; SPMs: specialized pro-resolving lipid mediators